November 13, 2009

Fascinating Words

I can become fascinated with noteworthy English words at times; the ones that collect cobwebs in musty corners of old dictionaries. Or those particular words that just sound so aesthetically pleasing, if we run across them in the first place. Perhaps we don’t use enough of the more ingenious words. I mean, think of how awesome 'Callipygian' sounds. It means having beautifully proportioned buttocks by the way. Bet you haven't heard that in a pick up line before! 

Some of my favorites are whimsical, epiphany, cornucopia…discombobulate or pajuxy!  Even those are more common however. There are just so many more.  I am on a mission to learn some cooler words.
Here is a great site to learn some interesting new vocabulary.
And when wondering about how many words are actually in the English Language, this site was pretty eye opening for me.  I want you to think about how many words you actually use. Now think of this: it seems that about an average of 200,000 words are in common use today and an educated person would have a vocabulary of about 20,000...give or take. WOW. So even the well educated are only using about 10% of what is available to them.

This is exciting for me because there is so much room for expansion...It's mind boggling to actually think about! 

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