January 27, 2012

DIY: Rustic Wedding Makeover

Are you having trouble finding the rustic pieces you envision for your wedding at little cost locally? Well, I have been working on a few projects to spruce up what I can get for cheap.

A friend was kind enough to give me this guest book and pen set from someone she knew. It's the basic white on white wedding stuff you'd see just about everywhere. Instantly though, I knew exactly what I would do to it to make it fit my wedding style. It's not that this style isn't pretty, it was just a little to floofy for me; the white mesh bows with white silk and white lacing. Just not my style, so I changed it up.

Here are some simple fixes to give generic 
wedding accessories a rustic touch.

First I removed the bow and cut off the lacing from around the bottom. With my "good for everything" hot glue gun, I began to glue lines of hemp string along the bottom. I also hot-glued a bit of hemp around the silver at the base of the pen just to hide any shiny bits.

At this point, I still felt it lacked something. I then remembered two hair cloth clips I bought in the girls section at Target (these were not expensive, around 2 bucks) and hot-glued those cloth flowers in place of the bow. Now everything looked much more rustic. But when I placed that white pen back with the silver in the middle, it just through the whole thing off. So what did I do?

More hemp! And more hot glue.

In a matter of 20 minutes, I turned this guest book pen into my own rustic vision.

I feel anyone can do something like this. If you only have the run of the mill Michaels or Joanne's wedding items available and don't want to spend extra money for handmade or unique items, don't fret. Think outside the box and just pick up a few other cheap goodies while in the store.

Don't be afraid to change it to feel like more like you. 

With a little craft-time and imagination, you can transform just about anything to suite your style. Isn't that what designing your wedding is all about? And the best part is you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to do so.

January 25, 2012

DIY: Rustic Wedding - Groomsmen Flowers on a Budget

If you must know, these were made in under 15 minutes and at little cost. A large roll of hemp was around $5. The baby's breath--well seeing how it comes 3 big bunches for 10 dollars at a local grocery store, and this is merely a pinch of that, we'll just say cheap. The purple flower I pulled from my backyard. How nice to have it that simple!

I have a hot glue gun, so I warmed that bad boy up, cut a bit of string and glued one end in place, then twisted and glued the other end (with just a dab) and viola! This just cut off at least 50 dollars off our florist budget. Since the guys usually aren't too big about flowers anyway, there's no need to go overboard. You could add greenery as well, or herbs. I will be trying out a few different looks but this is the simplicity I like.

As a bonus, you wouldn't even notice that these flowers had been sitting on my fireplace mantle for almost two weeks. So that's another plus to baby's breath, you can make this at least a week before the wedding and before all the craziness and will keep well. It's fairly worry free and for brides coming up on their big day like I am, it's pretty nice to have something that is.
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